Sunday, December 14, 2008

could this be then end?!

well for the year at least.

so we are making a super awesome cubano sandwich for our last dnd episode of the year. awesome how? like try adding bacon awesome. pork loin + ham + bacon = trifecta! no doubt that will help me with some infernally awesome rolling for Exaybachay. it's possible we might try remote gaming next sunday depending on availability, fatigue level, etc.

um, what else. have to work on getting heidi's etsy shop back up and running. hairpins and gnomes and such.

oh and so as not to give you the impression that as a 13 year old i only had awesome taste in music, i was also really into this song (and video):

and it was this version, not the fancy 'cool' video they did after they got famous. not that i care or anything. :)

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